Sunday, June 30, 2013

New to This.

::Hello Blogger World:: 
Well, for awhile now I've been wanting to start a blog. I thought it would be fun to be able to express my thoughts and ideas out loud. Most importantly, my Lord will be shared a ton because without Him, I literally would be nothing. He has gotten me to where I am today and I am sincerely grateful for it. 

           Again, I wanna thank my God for being there for me no matter what. I'm excited to share my love for Him. He is an all-powerful amazing God that has such a wonderful plan for each one of us.

          I also love fashion. LOVE. You will see {many} posts about my ideas and how that plays out in life. Color is the main thing. Without color, this world would be dull and boring. I once read a quote that said "the 'earth' without 'art' would be 'eh'. " That is so true.

            Also, if I ever have something random that comes to mind, either about my family or friends or even a random idea, I would love to share it.

         I know this is a short one, but it's my first post I have ever done so bear with me. I hope you enjoy this as much as I will.