Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Reflecting Back.

2013. Come and gone. It's crazy how fast this year flew by. So many memories, good and bad. God put me through trials, but I grew from them. I can not wait to see what He has in store for this next year and many more to come as well.

Where to start. There are just so many memories and good things to reflect upon. For starters, senior year{well most of it}.  Even though it wasn't in 2013, I'll still write about it. In October of 2012, our volleyball team won the cougar classic at my school. It was so exciting. We all played together and worked hard as a team. 
Next, [also relating to volleyball :P] at the end of our season we got to play at NIU for the state tournament. Our first game, we won! Which meant...we were going to the championship game!! Here's a picture to show how excited we were and yes a picture is worth a thousand words.
Our guys also got to go the championship game, and in the end we both got 2nd place. No it wasn't what we were hoping for, but we were still proud of everyone.



In the winter, my parents, sister and I went to the beautiful Petrified Springs and walked around, taking pictures, and enjoying God's beautiful creation. Here's a picture that sums it all up. Love this girl:)
Next:: spirit week. WOW! That was a fun week. Loved seeing everyone dressed up and looking like someone they're not. Each day was different, but I think this has to be my favorite. Such a fun crazy class that I had the privilege to be a part of. 
Basketball State tournament. No, I didn't play, but I did get to do stats. I got to watch our teams play hard and finish strong. Again, they didn't get first, but they still had fun being out on the court. Here is our lovely senior class. 
May was full of many exciting memories. Having class outside, walk around Lake Geneva with youth group, adventures with my sister, senior class pictures, eating at Chubby's for the first time, drama production, Jr/Sr Banquet, senior trip, and of course GRADUATION. Here's a few photos to get a glimpse of it all.

Hanging with my best friend, cleaning at camp, weddings, Parker was born :), hanging with Carra, going downtown Chicago, eating at RPM, and having fun with my sister.

   During the summer I was praying hard asking God to guide me to the right school. Finally, through circumstances, He led me to Liberty University. I had such a great semester. Made so many new friends, grew in the Lord, and went on many fun adventures. 

 Although there were many fun times and memories, there were also times of grieving. One that I will mention. A man who loved the Lord with all his heart and did everything he could to help others and make them feel welcomed. He was the happiest guy I knew, and although the Lord brought Him home to be with Him, no one will ever forget the impact this man had on everyone.

 And lastly, being home. Yes, college is new, fun, and exciting. But, you get to a point where you just want one thing...TO BE HOME. I could not wait to come home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's been such a fun and relaxing break so far. Got to be with the whole family which is something to look forward to every year. Mom and I saw the Light Show in Oak Creek, hung out with adorable nephews, went downtown Chicago, and many others.

 I couldn't have asked for a better year. Sure, there were ups and downs, but we all learn from those. I'm so thankful for all my friends and family. They have all made such an impact on my life. I especially want to thank my Lord and Savior. Without Him, I would be nothing. He has gotten me through everything. He brings me through trials to grow through them and learn to trust Him more and more. I can not wait to see what God has in store for this upcoming year.

Goodbye 2013...Hello 2014