Saturday, October 26, 2013

Making the Angels Laugh

Why, God? Why did you allow this to happen? What did we ever do to deserve this? I know you have a plan for everything, but I don't understand.

Those are the questions we tend to ask ourselves when something bad happens. When we don't get a good grade on a test, or a friend isn't talking to you, or in this case, a loved one dies. We wonder why a powerful God would allow terrible things like these to happen. I mean He loves us so why would he want us to be sad or upset?

My story today is about a young man who would do anything for someone else. As long as he would see a smile on their face, he would be happy. He always put others first, and served his God with all his heart. This young man was someone who could be your best friend after meeting him once. He may seem a little crazy at first, but once you get to know him you'll be happy you found such an awesome person as he. He made you feel welcome. He always had something to say. He could encourage you with Scripture, or just a random joke. He was certainly a man after God's own heart.

I remember when my mom text me just a week ago saying to pray for Sam cause he is in the ICU with double pneumonia. I'm thinking, what? Are you serious? He has been through so much, why should he have to go through something so serious again? From then on I prayed constantly for him. Every time I had a quiet moment, I would think of him and his wife and family. I did not want anything to happen to him. He was always such a strong fighter. He never gave up. He had cancer, but he embraced it. He didn't let it get him down. Even on his bad days, he found a reason to smile and rejoice. Then, I got the text that he had gone home to be with the Lord. I broke down in tears right then. I couldn't believe that such a strong, loving young man could be gone. Why? I would constantly ask myself that. But then I remember that God is behind all of this and He had it happen for a reason, so we just have to trust in Him. No matter how hard and unfair it may seem, he's in a better place now with no pain whatsoever. I talked to my sister yesterday and she made the comment that "he's probably in heaven right now making the angels laugh." That is so true. He is a crazy guy that loves to be happy and makes others around him happy.

 Though we don't understand it, God does. The first sentence in my devotions read this: Come to me when you are hurting, and I will soothe your pain. WOW! God you always place just the exact words that I/we need for that moment. You are so amazing. We all need to constantly be reminded of that. When we are hurting and need encouragement, go to God and His Word. I promise you, you will find the love and encouragement that you need.

God, you have a perfect plan for our lives. We need to be faithful to you. I pray that through all this, others will see what a testimony he had and lived, and through it come to know you as their personal Savior. I believe it will happen. Sam had a strength and love for others that you wanted to follow after. So, this was part of God's plan for His life.

No, I didn't know him super well, but I knew enough to know that he was someone very special. Bettie and Libassi family, my prayers go out to you. Sam, you will greatly be missed. Enjoy being in God's presence, and keep making those angels laugh:)

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