Saturday, July 6, 2013

Week of Encouragement.

    Do you ever have those times where you feel so discouraged? Like nothing is going right? Well I've felt like that a few times lately. 

   You see I'm going away to college in the fall. And well everyone knows that in order to go to college you kind of need money. I've been praying and praying lately for God to provide me a job, but still nothing. Yes it gets very discouraging, but I know God has something planned. I just have to wait. That's the hard part. I've applied at who knows how many places, but still nothing. 

   Ok, I don't want this whole post to sound depressing almost. Yes, it's been hard, but good encouragement came out of this week. For starters, on Monday I was having a really tough day about the whole job and money situation. So, I ended up going with my mom to Milwaukee to get some things done, and we decided to shop around some while we were down there. It was so nice to be able to just get my mind off of the whole thing. Because as pretty much anyone who has ever tried applying for places the first time, it's tough. Well, we shopped then decided to go to this AMAZING burger and frozen custard place called KOPP'S. oh my goodness. SOOO good. Well, as we're out I get a text from my best friend saying he got a surprise waiting for me at home. I'm like okay cool! So, I get home (not knowing what to expect) and I find half a dozen of red roses sitting on my dresser. It was so sweet.It TOTALLY made my day!!:) He just always knows how to brighten up my day:)
here's the flowers and our jr.year fall formal picture together:)

   Tuesday was another nice relaxing day. You know those rainy days that you just wanna stay on the couch and watch movies all day??? Well, ya I didn't do that haha:) It was a rainy kind of day though. My sister, mom, and I went out and did some shopping so it's always fun being able to do that together. Especially since my sister, Jamie, left for China in a couple days. We went to Plato's Closet, aka amazing store!! If you have never been there, I encourage you to go. It's mainly for teens and young adults, but you get nice name brand stuff for like half the price. So nice!! ANYWAYS, it's always good being able to hang out together just us girls. And you know when you get that 'I-wanna-bake-like-everything-I-see-on-Pinterest' times? Ya well I've had those lately. So I made this really good lemon loaf. Scrumptious:)

Wednesday, eh not too much going on. Oh, besides the fact that my family and I spent who knows how many hours inside the car driving to Ohio. Ya it's only about a 6-7 hr felt like 12!! Not even kidding! So, we spent the night at a hotel in Columbus, and was able to swim and work out. So relaxing! Also, another thing to get my mind off of that terrible 'M' word...[money}...

  Thursday,we had to drop off Jamie at the airport for China. She'll be there for a month. Sad day! But she's where God wants her to be so I can never argue with that. The rest of the day I got to spend with my parents exploring downtown Columbus. Well sorta downtown...more like Germantown, OH. :) It was so cool though with the cobblestone roads. Ate at the famous Shmitz...or somethin like that...which is a German restaurant out there. Of course we had to do the usual: drive around forever trying to find a Caribou. Ya, GPS's are nice...when they tell u the right place to go. 

   Friday and Saturday were so much fun. I got to help out with my best friend and his family's yard sale. I also got to make friends with a little baby boy. So cute:) Saturday was a little discouraging. Went to go see a lady about a perfect job opportunity. Well it ended up being a bust. But God does have something planned, so I have to keep reminding myself that. Went out to dinner with his family to Asian Buffet. WOW! Another 'must' place to eat. Their food is super duper delicious.

   All that to say, God has a special plan for each one of us. It may be hard to see it, but He knows. Yes, He brings little trials and ups and downs in our life for a reason. Then you surround yourself with people that will just encourage you along the way. Yes, not being able to have a job yet has been real difficult. Very discouraging where I've cried over it wondering how come nothing has come up. I gotta just reminding myself and praying to God knowing that He will work everything out. I don't need to worry about a thing. We all have to do that. Lately, I've been finding myself  a lot just sitting somewhere and just praying to Him. I may be just walking my dog and the whole time I'm just talking with God asking Him for guidance in my life. He is an all-knowing God that works everything out for His good and glory. No matter what make sure to bring your requests to God first. Ya sure you can go on google or somethin for answers. But you won't get the best answers that you need to live day by day. He is the one that gives you the best and most important encouragement and love. Learning more and more each day to bring everything to Him and leave it all in His hands. 

   So, surround yourself with people who will love and encourage you and bring you closer to God. Yes, at the present moment things may look real tough. But they will get better.

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