Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Enjoying Worship.

Worshiping is not just a one time thing that happens at church. You should be worshiping everyday. The question sometimes is how?

God wants us to honor Him everyday, and one way of doing that is through worshiping. Some think you just need to go to church on Sundays, and maybe Wednesdays too, and you're set. That's not true. Yes, you should be going to church, but it doesn't stop there. You can worship in the car, your room, even in class. God wants us to be praising His name and bringing glory to Him. 

Another argument is whether or not that's an appropriate way to worship. No, He doesn't want us to be kneeling in the middle of the building, praising so loudly just so you can get attention from other people. If you want to do that, but not mean it in any attention drawing way, then go for it. God just wants us to praise Him for who He is. Some may argue that putting your arms in the air, or waving them is a sign to draw people to yourself. That is absolutely not true. I've grown up going to churches where people didn't do that. I never really thought it was wrong; I was just never taught why you should or shouldn't do it. I've learned over the past week and a half that people are just so excited about glorifying and singing to God that they raise their arms to show it. You should be delighting in Him and singing to bring praise to His name. If you feel led to raise your arms or sway or whatever type of gesture, go ahead. If you're excited about your God and want to show Him that, go ahead. No one will judge you. Why should we anyways? Isn't God the final and only Judge? We all make mistakes, and no one is perfect. 

I'm proud to say that I am excited about going to Convocation, aka chapel, every other day because I get to praise MY God and be with thousands of other people who are doing the same. Those are the most amazing mornings. I look forward to standing, singing to God, and praising with other Christians. The music is uplifting and powerful I can't even begin to explain. Our God's love for us is so big you can't even put it into words. Even when you do, you can't fathom it all. He is great and worthy to be praised. You know when you hear a message or song and it brings tears to your eyes? Pretty sure that's happened almost every time I've been at Convo{and that's only been a handful of times}. In just 1 day, over 100 ,maybe 200 I don't know, people accepted Christ. Isn't that amazing? Doesn't that bring joy to your heart? I know it did to me. I almost started crying just watching so many people make their way to the front of the building, wanting to accept Christ. That was from just hearing 1 man speak. Imagine what could happen if there were 5 of us? 10? 20? God could do wonders. That all happened in a chapel service...where we were worshiping God..singing praise to Him...joining with other Christians. It's just so incredible what's been happening here at Liberty.

So, I know everyone has his own opinion on worship and how you should. Remember this though, God doesn't care how, or what you say, or where you're at. He just wants you to go to Him. He's there for us each day, every day, ever minute and second of the day. He NEVER leaves us nor forsakes us. Isn't that great to know? You could be all alone and lost in the midst of 10,000 people...but God is with you. So you're not alone. He wants you to sing to Him and worship Him. He wants you to grow in Him through His Word.
 No matter what it takes, be willing to sacrifice anything to live a life with Christ. It's so worth it all.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Thankfulness Put Into Words.

Remember that first time you go to youth group as a teen and you're like scared to death? Ya I remember that. I was one of 'those'. Remember thinking, "Oh I hope I make friends and that my youth leaders are nice." Well, from the first time I went to youth group at UGBC the youth leaders made me feel right at home. They were so welcoming. 

I remember the first night at youth group(ya I know I pretty much repeated myself there), people were calling the youth leaders Randy and Beth. I'm thinking like wow that's different. That must mean their pretty close and comfortable with that. 
That's for sure!

They would make you feel comfortable, welcomed, and make you laugh. When you need someone to talk to, they always make time for you. Whether it's 5 minutes or an hour. You can email [facebook/text] them for anything, and they'll be there to answer you and show you kindness. I remember numerous times where I may be down about something or whatever and by the end of Wednesday night my mood would totally be changed. They always have a smile on their face. Randy would most always have some sort of story or something to make you laugh/smile.

There are numerous memories I have of them giving encouragement. For one, It was freshman year, and we were working at a camp as our youth work missions trip. At first it was really hard because I grew up going to Camp Calvary in PA all my life, and having my best friends there, and when I was at a different camp with different people it was so hard. I remember just sitting at the table crying, and Beth came over asking what was wrong and just sat down for awhile talking to me. It totally helped. I was able to let it all out and later talk to God about it asking for strength to get through it. It was such an encouraging moment.

Another one happened a few summers ago. I was really discouraged about something, and both Randy and Beth pulled me aside asking what was up and telling me it was okay. I was probably being stubborn thinking no I'll be ok don't worry about me. But no, they sat down with me for the longest time praying with me and showing me a passage of scripture that has been such an encouragement to me since that night.
Philippians 4:6-7(NIV) Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
It was such a blessing and encouragement to me. They told me everything would be alright and God is in control of all that happens. It was just a huge moment in my life that I would never forget.

I read in a devotional book a few years ago that mentioned it's a good thing to have a woman who is older than you to be like a mentor. Someone that you can go to and get advice on stuff or just to talk to. If you ever need someone, Beth is the one to go to. She is great to talk to. She will be there to not only listen, but also give advice when needed. She can make you laugh when you least expect it. The best time is when you're in her car with the sun roof open, music blaring, and singing on the top of your lungs late at night. OR having people hanging out of every door and window in her car driving through a camp. Oh but don't ask how to spell 'birthday'....she may forget the "r". :) Either way, she's such a fun person to be with. Such a good godly woman to be encouraged by.

Randy, well if you love fishing he's the one to fish with. He's pretty good...so I heard. He's also very competitive. Apples to Apples, card games..ya it's very entertaining when you play with him. Don't even get started on Duck Dynasty. CRAZY. But with that said, he is a very encouraging godly youth leader. I don't know how he finds time to not only work 5 days a week, but then each Wednesday come speak to us teens. It's crazy. I've had numerous times where that night he spoke on something, and it's exactly what I needed to hear. He is just such a fun leader. Also, another great example to follow.

We do have other leaders who have been very encouraging and fun. Those 2 are the main ones who I wanted to point out that have made such a huge impact on my life and for that I am forever grateful.

Thank You so much not only Randy and Beth, but also Bryan, Sarah, Steve, Ashley, and Dave. You guys have been so encouraging over the years. I will truly miss you. God has blessed me as well as the other teens with such great leaders as you guys. Thank You again.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Sisters? Forever Friends.

   So, as August has quickly approached that means my sister will be coming home in a few days. She's been away in China for a month doing what and being where she loves. I've missed her. It gets lonely and quiet at night. You know, parents get tired from working so they go to bed early. Then I'm up. By myself. Wishing Jamie would be home soon to talk to, watch movies, or fall asleep on the couch. Anyways, I'm excited to have her home. After all she is my [only] sister:) We always have fun together. Ya we have our ups and downs but doesn't everyone? No family is perfect. We love doing many things together. Shopping. Taking pictures. Playing piano. Watching movies/television. Eating. Talking. Photoshoots. Laughing. Being quirky. Wearing each others clothes. Ya etc. I love her. God has blessed me with a loving, fun, caring, awesome sister.  I know I'll always have her as she reminded me once, "You know Jess, with friends you know they can come and go, but with me you have a friend for life. We're stuck together as family forever."

Here's some random pics of us growing up together:)

aren't we just so adorable?

always got each other's backs.

 playing piano together.and matching together.

ha this picture always makes me laugh. like I said, we got each other's backs.

camping.another thing we love doing together[as a family].

Rainforest Cafe's AMAZING volcano chocolate dessert!

our first photoshoot together.

3-in-1.Florida.New Years.Christmas Eve.

our annual Thanksgiving mirror pictures.first year.

ya....crazy hair.crazy jewelry.crazy pictures.

annual Christmas day walk. 3 years in a row.

Birthday photoshoot. it was a freezing November day so we were literally wearing gloves between each picture. but we still enjoyed it.

Summer photoshoot. beautiful day for pictures.

most amazing trip to Arizona. love this state. went to awesome Mimi's Cafe. showing sisterly love here.

attractive..lovin this Michigan trip with the family.

again, another photoshoot. can you tell we like taking them?

 4th year in a row Christmas walk. we love to be colorful.

Jr/Sr Banquet: Senior Year. yes we wanted to match.yes i love her.

GRADUATION. we have gone through lots together.

Thanks Jamie for being an awesome sister. God has blessed me greatly. You really are such a fun older sister. It's been fun seeing us grow up and closer together. I LOVE YOU.