Worshiping is not just a one time thing that happens at church. You should be worshiping everyday. The question sometimes is how?
God wants us to honor Him everyday, and one way of doing that is through worshiping. Some think you just need to go to church on Sundays, and maybe Wednesdays too, and you're set. That's not true. Yes, you should be going to church, but it doesn't stop there. You can worship in the car, your room, even in class. God wants us to be praising His name and bringing glory to Him.
Another argument is whether or not that's an appropriate way to worship. No, He doesn't want us to be kneeling in the middle of the building, praising so loudly just so you can get attention from other people. If you want to do that, but not mean it in any attention drawing way, then go for it. God just wants us to praise Him for who He is. Some may argue that putting your arms in the air, or waving them is a sign to draw people to yourself. That is absolutely not true. I've grown up going to churches where people didn't do that. I never really thought it was wrong; I was just never taught why you should or shouldn't do it. I've learned over the past week and a half that people are just so excited about glorifying and singing to God that they raise their arms to show it. You should be delighting in Him and singing to bring praise to His name. If you feel led to raise your arms or sway or whatever type of gesture, go ahead. If you're excited about your God and want to show Him that, go ahead. No one will judge you. Why should we anyways? Isn't God the final and only Judge? We all make mistakes, and no one is perfect.
I'm proud to say that I am excited about going to Convocation, aka chapel, every other day because I get to praise MY God and be with thousands of other people who are doing the same. Those are the most amazing mornings. I look forward to standing, singing to God, and praising with other Christians. The music is uplifting and powerful I can't even begin to explain. Our God's love for us is so big you can't even put it into words. Even when you do, you can't fathom it all. He is great and worthy to be praised. You know when you hear a message or song and it brings tears to your eyes? Pretty sure that's happened almost every time I've been at Convo{and that's only been a handful of times}. In just 1 day, over 100 ,maybe 200 I don't know, people accepted Christ. Isn't that amazing? Doesn't that bring joy to your heart? I know it did to me. I almost started crying just watching so many people make their way to the front of the building, wanting to accept Christ. That was from just hearing 1 man speak. Imagine what could happen if there were 5 of us? 10? 20? God could do wonders. That all happened in a chapel service...where we were worshiping God..singing praise to Him...joining with other Christians. It's just so incredible what's been happening here at Liberty.
So, I know everyone has his own opinion on worship and how you should. Remember this though, God doesn't care how, or what you say, or where you're at. He just wants you to go to Him. He's there for us each day, every day, ever minute and second of the day. He NEVER leaves us nor forsakes us. Isn't that great to know? You could be all alone and lost in the midst of 10,000 people...but God is with you. So you're not alone. He wants you to sing to Him and worship Him. He wants you to grow in Him through His Word.
No matter what it takes, be willing to sacrifice anything to live a life with Christ. It's so worth it all.